Past trades facilitated by Midwest Business Exchange

For the past four decades, Midwest Business Exchange has worked with countless local business and professional organizations to assist in mutually beneficial trades. Whether you’re looking to spruce up your property’s exterior or you need assistance with your business’ website, MBE will work with you to connect you with participating members that can provide you with the goods and services that you need. In the past, we’ve facilitated a number of trades that have worked to the benefit of all parties. To see some examples of these barter agreements, we encourage you to browse the past trades listed below.

Blueberries to Help Feed the Hungry

Richert Blueberries helps feed the hungry by providing almost 4000 pounds of fresh blueberries to Loaves & Fishes through MBE.

Thanks to a generous trade donation from St Catherine of Siena Church, Midwest Business Exchange was able to trade for fresh blueberries to help feed the hungry through Loaves and Fishes. Richert Farms, New MBE client, wanted to trade blueberries to our client base. Lots of blueberries, over 5000 pints. With a few calls to our non profits, we were able to secure trade to purchase the blueberries and then have them shipped to Loaves and Fishes for distribution to their clients. No waste of blueberries. Feeding the local population. Trade to facilitate it all. Thanks goes out St. Catherine Church for making this come together..

Trade Donations to Shoes For Kids
First Day Shoe Fund is dedicated to providing new athletic shoes to school-age children in Kalamazoo County who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch. We’re a nonprofit that believes all children should start school on equal footing.

With a recent donation of Trade from Portage Printing and Midwest Business Exchange, First Day Shoe Fund was able to acquire 300 pairs of shoes to distribute to those in need.

Sealcoating to Housing

A sealcoating company used Midwest Business Exchange to reach, advertise to, and acquire new business. Through personal brokers and weekly emails, the company was able to increase business and, by extension, operating capital. The sealcoating company was then able to generate trade dollars to secure an apartment for their employee. With a limited window, due to the seasonality of their services, the company was able to secure additional business and convert it into housing for their employee.

Print Services to Advertising

A locally owned print company provided a range of printing services to Midwest Business Exchange’s clients on trade. The company then used their trade to advertise with local cable television and print publications. With MBE bringing them additional business, the printer was able to use their trade to raise brand awareness and solicit new clients. In turn, the publisher of the print media used their trade to renovate their bathroom. By converting unused advertising space into renovation, the publisher not only saves cash but gains a new customer.

Web Design to Building Maintenance

A local website designer accepts trade dollars as payment for new websites. Through Midwest Business Exchange, members used the designer to create, develop, and host their new sites. The designer then used their accumulated trade dollars to maintain and enhance the appeal of their property by sealcoating and striping their parking lot. In this way, the web designer converted new clients and projects into building maintenance and improvement.